Original Sectional Grapple


The Artillian Original Sectional Grapple System mounts on the Artillian Quick Attach Frame. Mix & match sections to best accomplish your tasks.

Grapple sections include hydraulic hoses, ready to plug into our hydraulic diverter kits, and go right to work! Using more than one Grapple requires a Hydraulic Splitter Manifold

When using Artillian Grapples on tractors with greater than 32 HP or with “True 3rd Function” hydraulics, we recommend adding the Artillian Hydraulic Flow Control Valve to provide the operator with additional control over the opening and closing speed of the grapple.

  • These units attach to Artillian Pallet Fork Frames (sold separately)
  • Grapple Sections require a 3rd loader function, such as our Diverter Kits
  • Grapples are rated for use on tractors below 50 HP

Made in the USA